Fiscal Manipulation in non-Democratic Regimes - The case of Egypt
Shedding light on the political budget cycles in Egypt seems very timely as the country is undergoing a prolonged process of democratic transition.
Egypt's Economic Freedom Score
The Egyptian economy has been in turmoil since early 2011, and the gradual rise in economic freedom observed in recent years has come to a halt.
ICT Indicators - December 2011
The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology releases a monthly report with statistics and indicators in the Telecommunication-sector.
Market-Guide: Exporting to Egypt
Information relevant to exporters about Egypt including tariffs & trade agreements, certification, labeling & other documentation requirements etc.
Inflation Dynamics: The Case of Egypt
This study concludes that Inflation Dynamics in Egypt are completely different from those observed globally.
The 100 Most Influential Arabs on Twitter
A list compiled by Khaled ElAhmad of the Most Influential Arabs on Twitter according to their Klout score.
10 hot consumer trends for 2012
What is in and out of the telecommunication hardware market in 2012? Ericsson tells you all about it.
Bayt.com Top Industries in the Middle East Report 2011
What are the best industries in the region in terms of salary, benefits, work-life balance, career growth, talent retainment, and hiring?
The Egyptian Economy - Prospects
We aim to look backward into developments in the Egyptian economy leading to the crisis and the shortcomings that may have contributed to the unrest.
HSBC - Outlook for 2012
2011 proved an extremely volatile year, largely due to ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Eurozone sovereign debt situation What awaits HSBC?
Islamic Finance
All you need to know about Islamic Finance - and why it is so successful.
Doing Business in a Transparent World 2012
Doing Business takes the perspective of domestic, primarily smaller companies & measures the regulations applying to them through their life cycle.
Challenges of Egypt's Economic Transition
A successful transition to democracy can be facilitated by a sound economy and the economic well-being of citizens.
The 2011 Legatum Prosperity Index - Egypt Ranked 89
With both inflation and the level of gross domestic savings rate at GDP, at roughly 12%, Egypt's macroeconomic position is not strong.
The Egyptian Elections: A Preliminary Assessment of the Post-Mubarak Era
A study from the Henry Jackson Society, analyzing the factors influencing the post-Mubarak era, from the economic and political side.
Revolution in Market Research practices in Egypt
A research dealing with the impact of the revolution on the practice of market research in Egypt from the Maastricht School of Management.
Economic Development in Africa Report 2011
Fostering industrial development in Africa in the new global environment - a report by the United Nations Development Programme.
Healthcare Providers In Egypt
A list of healthcare providers in Egypt, that includes addresses and telephone numbers.
Establishing an Effective Team
Establishing a new team or renewing an existing one is the responibilty of everyone on the team.
How Do Women Entrepreneurs Perform in Egypt?
How women owned MSEs differ from men owned MSEs in terms of human and financial capital, with an empirical evidence from Egypt.