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Is it Real or Fake News?

Webinar 16.04.2023

Advertise with fake pictures, Anthropic does not fake, Aleph Alpha names the sources. LinkedIn authenticates and NFTs become physical.

Advertise with fake pictures

In Germany, we have the famous news guy Marcus Lanz and he was arrested and handcuffed. No, he was not. It was only a fake image produced by artificial intelligence. And then this picture was used as an advertisement in programmatic advertising, it's automatically displayed on websites like Al-Aharam when I look at it from Germany. And then I click on it and I get to a website of real estate valuation and I put in my income and my account number and I shouldn't do this because it's gang organized fraudsters who do this kind of advertising.
So for you as a company watch out for fraud using AI and watch out for your advertising environments.

Anthropic does not counterfeit.

The startup Anthropic was founded by Dario Amodei just two years ago. He was vice president of research at OpenAI and he founded Anthropic, which was a bit different and should be near safe from any kind of criminal activity. He needs some money, he wants to have 5 billion US dollars within the next two years to develop the chatbot named Claude, which he already has. It can search documents, create summaries and do coding. So it's similar to ChatGPT, but he will improve that and the new AI has virtual assistants even.
For you as a company, try to teach your employees to use AI in order to get more productive.

Aleph Alpha names sources

There is not only ChatGPT, but there is also a small company from Heidelberg, but it's also called AlephAlepha, and they have an AI that is even better than ChatGPT, and now they can inform you which are the sources of the text passage which you are reading. And also a contradiction if something is not going the way it should. What does it mean for you as a company? Use these systems but watch out, don't reveal too much info about your own company when putting the prompts and asking the questions.

LinkedIn gets authenticated

We started with Twitter and then came Meta where you can have authenticated profile, the famous blue check at Twitter, but it costs money at Twitter, you have to pay $8 a month. Now the old blue checks which were validated profiles, the blue checks will be removed, and some of the people don't want to pay even if they earn millions of dollars in a year.
So Microsoft learned from it and in this case, LinkedIn, which belongs to Microsoft, will let you authenticate without having to pay, incorporate with a secure identity platform called Clear, and you just hold your ID card in the camera and then you're authenticated.
So what does that mean for your company? Verify your brands wherever you can in order to make sure that it's you and not some artificial intelligence I'm talking to. company.

NFTs become physical

Yeah, the purely artificial NFTs, are becoming physical by a crypto wallet company called Ledger. They are worth 1.4 billion dollars and their product Ledger Nano SPlus has a black and white monitor, screen, small screen display, two buttons, and USB connection it costs 79 US dollars and there you can store your valuables.
What does it mean for your company? Try to manufacture NFTs, and use them. It's a good idea and some luxury brands that already use them.

Radio spots without people

The company Waddle Software from Den Haag, from Holland, produced a product which is called Atos two years ago. It generates scripts for audio ads and it even can do voiceover, sound effects, and of course music, and you can choose which voice you want to have if you own it or any others. And it has integration with radio automation systems and ad service, so the whole thing is purely automated.
And in the end, you just tell the AI, please make an ad for my company and it will do it.

Samsung reveals secrets

This is going to be dangerous because Samsung semiconductors or their employees of them, use artificial intelligence very intensively and they put secrets of their company, code, internal code, and other internal company data so the system knows this. This should never happen. They even had an internal meeting, and the employee who had to record that meeting just put the whole meeting in a document through artificial intelligence, so this internal meeting went outside. Caution with using AI.

Torsten Schwarz
Egypt Business Directory

Digital marketing expert and author of 25+ books, is an online marketing guru in Germany, known for starting one of the world's first web servers.