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Vodafone takes 400,000 new customers

The number of mobile subscribers in the Egyptian market declined in September to 99.39 million subscribers, compared to 99.5 million in August.
13.12.17 | Source: Daily News Egypt

The number of mobile subscribers in the Egyptian market declined in September to 99.39 million subscribers, compared to 99.5 million in August of the same year, thus the market lost about 109,000 customers in only one month.

Although Vodafone Egypt was able to add new customers, according to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s report, the company did so at the expense of its competitors, from 42.3 million in August to 42.7 million in September, an addition of 400,000 new customers, ranking first in market in terms of number of subscribers.

Orange lost about 200,000 subscribers in September, with the number of mobile subscribers dropping from 33.1 million to 32.8 million in August.