Egypt inaugurates world’s largest water treatment plant

The new water plant, completed only in 2 years despite projected completion in 10, is situated in Bahr El-Baqar area in Port-Said. It has been awarded the Guinness record as the world’s largest plant of its kind.
The mega plant treats agricultural waste water and prevents its mixing with seawater, and has a daily production capacity of 5.6 million cubic meters. Then the water generated, which is triple treated, will be used for reclamation projects in Sinai; it’s estimated that the treated water will reclaim more than 500,000 feddans.
The project cost about EGP 20 Billion and was implemented by the Egyptian armed forces along with several companies. President AbdelFattah El-Sisi stressed the importance of such projects, not only as means for development and encouraging investments, but also for saving already limited water resources.
The plant is estimated to save 2 billion cubic meters of water being wasted in the sea and using it to develop Sinai. It’s part of a comprehensive development plan for the peninsula of Sinai through national projects.