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Compensation and Benefits Analyst needed for Nestle Egypt

Conduct and participate in selected salary surveys, meeting with the department managers to conduct proper job matching of Nestle Egypt positions.
Nestlé Egypt | 09.07.2012

To apply for this vacancy, please visit:

Job Description:

•Conduct and participate in selected salary surveys, meeting with the department managers to conduct proper job matching of Nestle positions and submit the required information to the surveys companies.
•Analyze surveys results and compare with Nestle salaries whether by job, position class or by function to determine market competitiveness and track the areas of weakness in terms of internal equity and salary position within the market.
•Assist in calculating and forecasting the salary budget.
• Assist to maintain consistent job analysis procedures.
• Ensure compliance with established job evaluation methodology.
•Assist in revising and analyzing the employees benefits program to ensure market competitiveness and internal equity.
•Assist in negotiating and communicating with any contracted service provider company to maximize the employees benefits according to Nestle policies and procedure.
• Provide the management with any required HR KPI, analysis or report related to employees.
• Prepare any documentation or flyers required for compensation and benefits communication
• Communicate the offer, explaining Nestlé’s policies and procedures to the candidates, communicate and follow up with both the candidate and the line manager till the employees joining date to Nestle.


- Must be passionate about their community and display a caring attitude.
- Must display strong work ethics, integrity and total honesty.
- Must be a self starter and demonstrate total quality in their approach.