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Egyptian agricultural exports reached record levels in 2023

Al Qusair further detailed that Egypt exported 400 different agricultural products to 160 countries, expanding its export markets significantly.
26.05.24 | Source: Fresh Plaza

In 2023, Egypt exported a historic 7.5 million tons of agricultural products, generating USD 8.8 billion in revenue. Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Al Sayed Al Qusair reported these figures during a cabinet meeting, noting Egypt's leading global position in the export of oranges and frozen strawberries. The revenue comprised USD 3.7 billion from fresh agricultural goods and USD 5.1 billion from processed foods.

Al Qusair further detailed that Egypt exported 400 different agricultural products to 160 countries, expanding its export markets significantly. Over the past decade, Egyptian agricultural exports have entered 93 new markets.

In the first quarter of 2024, Egypt exported 1,199,916 tons of citrus. Meetings in April with South Korea's Hansan Global and representatives from 15 major Korean companies highlighted their interest in importing Egyptian oranges. The European Union imported over 500,000 tons of Egyptian oranges in 2023, and between October 2022 and February 2023, Egypt was the leading exporter of oranges to several Southeast Asian countries.