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Sisi tells Egyptian businessmen private sector key for economy

El-Sisi asked the businessmen to form a contact group of Egyptian business leaders and investors for direct contact with the presidency.
04.12.15 | Source: Ahram Online

gyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi stressed on the important role of the private sector in the Egyptian economy during a Thursday meeting with a group of Egyptian businessmen at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, the presidency said.

President El-Sisi assured businessmen against worrying about their investments, saying the Egyptian constitution and laws ensure the rights of private property and the private sector.

The president cited during the meeting legislative amendments as well other efforts by the government – including state projects and the provision of energy supplies – to encourage investments in Egypt.

According to the presidency's statement, the El-Sisi asked the businessmen to form a contact group of Egyptian business leaders and investors in order to establish direct contact with the presidency.

The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, the governor of Egypt's Central Bank Tarek Amer, the head of the Administrative Control Authority, as well as the ministers of housin , investment, tourism, agriculture, commerce and industry.