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2014 best economic year since January 2011: CCESS

Following Morsi’s ouster on 30 June, government adopted austerity-style policies, Centre Head says.
27.12.14 | Source: Daily News Egypt

The Cairo Centre for Economic and Strategic Studies has called 2014 Egypt’s best economic year since 25 January 2011 in its annual economic report. The report added that 2014 can be labelled as the “beginning of stability and economic growth”.

The report, which reflected on the economic indicators, stated that the economic challenges faced by the Egyptian economy have worsened with the transitional period.

Centre Head Abdel Moneim Al-Sayed said: “These challenges are the result of the accumulation of many policies and the successive economic programmes that have been adopted in unfair policies.”

Al-Sayed said the open-door policy of the seventies and the economic reform programme at the beginning of the nineties led to a rapid economic transformation. Those policies allowed the state to abandon its role as the main actor and planning and policy maker.

He noted that Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb’s government has adopted expansionary policies rather than deflationary policies. He added that the policies adopted after the ouster of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on 30 June where “closer to austerity”.