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Philips raises awareness on breastfeeding for Egyptian mothers

Based on the success of the 2011 Philips Cairo to Cape Town health and wellbeing road show, Philips is again travelling through Africa.
Philips East Africa | 03.06.2012
During pregnancy, expectant mothers are highly concerned about short-term fears such as how to breastfeed and whether the breastfeeding experience will be comfortable. The results of research conducted by the Philips Center shows that Egyptian mothers are uneasy about breastfeeding, where 73% of expectant mothers are concerned about the breastfeeding experience. “This issue can be tackled with increasing awareness on breastfeeding and boosting self-confidence for expectant mothers through educational initiatives,” says Olaf Koning, Commercial Leader for Philips Consumer lifestyle, Egypt.

Based on the success of the 2011 Philips Cairo to Cape Town health and wellbeing road show, Philips is again travelling through Africa from 14 May to 16 August, 2012 in an effort to improve the health and well-being of mothers and their children through meaningful healthcare solutions.

“Philips has been dedicated to addressing the needs of mothers and children for over 40 years and recognizes that mothers, newborn babies and children represent the well-being of a society and its potential for the future. Their health needs cannot be left unmet without harming the whole of society,” says Koning Olaf, Commercial Leader for Philips Consumer lifestyle Egypt.

The benefits of breastfeeding for the health of both infants and their mothers are well recognized. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months following childbirth, and partial breastfeeding into the second year of a child’s life. Aiming to improve healthy infant nutrition in Egypt, Philips AVENT is dedicated to increasing awareness of breastfeeding amongst mothers.

During the Cairo to Cape Town road show, Philips AVENT is closely cooperating with healthcare professionals to educate mothers and mothers-to-be about the importance of breastfeeding via educational initiatives and infant feeding solutions.

To educate and empower Egyptian women to continue breastfeeding, Philips AVENT will also be donating 300 Manual Breast Pumps to carefully-selected healthcare providers including Abou Rish Hospital, El Nada Hospital, Al Marwa Hospital and Tabarak hospital.

As part of Philips’ Eco vision strategy and in a continued effort to bring meaningful innovations to improve people’s lives, the Cairo to Cape Town road show will also be showcasing sustainable innovative products, such as the EnergyCare Iron and the breakthrough AirFryer that allows you to cook all you can without the oil.