Marketing-Börse PLUS - Fachbeiträge zu Marketing und Digitalisierung
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25.09.2012 - 26.09.2012 | Cairo

Celebrating a new era, Euromoney Egypt's slogan this year is: Restarting Investment, Sharing the Benefits of Growth.

Euromoney will return to Cairo in September 2012 for its annual finance and investment conference. The theme and objective this year is restarting the Egyptian economy.

All parts of the political spectrum, international donors and financiers, local, regional and global private sector will gather at this crucial time to look at innovative ways of helping the economy to grow – to help the people of Egypt.

The conference will be ticketed and strictly by invitation.

- For media enquiries, please contact Traccs:

- For speaker enquiries please contact Tara Hosseini:

- For sponsorship enquiries please contact Victoria Behn: