Marketing-Börse PLUS - Fachbeiträge zu Marketing und Digitalisierung
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19.01.2012 - 21.01.2012 | Nasr City, Egypt

BEEM aims to improve awareness in the building world of the new prospects for sustainable construction.

BEEM presents the best production, services and new technologies with a focus on sustainability. Important world producers and operators in the construction market, infrastructures and major works in 4 days of intense activity and initiatives focusing on business. Making business opportunities through specific tools designed to promote meetings between supply and demand. Involving national and international institutions, public administrations, intrnational trade associations, professionals, building companies, road companies, dealers and university institutes to analyse fundamental topics for the development of the sector.

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BEEM aims to improve awareness in the building world of the new prospects for sustainable construction.
Special attention will be given to markets the Middle East and the Mediterranean area through specific promotional action attracting high numbers of buyers such as organisation of business delegations, promotions and hospitality services, action through the trade press and organised and organised meetings.