A comprehensive overview of the health and pharma industry in Egypt - find pharmaceutical manufacturers and laboratories, hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, as well as the latest industry news.

Best Body Lift Surgery India
Delhi IN
Bodylift is an extremely effective plastic surgery procedure for patients with excess skin,fat, and other tissues that linger after substantial weight
Precision Dental Implant
Mumbai IN
Precision Dental Implant is a one-stop-shop for all the problems related to dental, We ensure to put a perfect smile on your face.
Al Horria for Import & Export
Ibrahimia Alexandria EG
Importer and exporter of medical accessories equipment. Agent of Detax Karl Huber GmbH & Co., DMG Chem. Pharm Fabrik GmbH.
Dubai AE
MASS4D™ is a bespoke foot orthotic business offering like-minded clinics, hospitals, health professionals and sport performance experts in Middle East
Merge Med Company
Abbassia Cario EG
Marketing of medical, sceintific products of international companies in the Egyptian market.
EPG Group
EPG is a fully licensed exporter and importer of pharmaceuticals, OTC, Nutraceuticals and Healthcare products
Doyen Hercules Surgical Co
Sialkot EG
We are self manufacturer cum exporter of Eye, Surgical, Dental, Orthopedic and General Instruments. info @ doyensurgical . com
Buy please contact us.
Glass Agencies
Ambala cantt EG
Glass Agencies are manufacturer of Laboratory Laboratory Glassware, Scientific, Surgical, Medical, Hospital, Physiotherapy Instruments & Equipments
دار السكينة لعلاج الادمان
Cairo EG
بيوت الحرية لــ علاج الادمان من المراكز المتخصصة في علاج ادمان المخدرات مثل علاج الكبتاجون ، علاج الترامادول ، علاج الهيروين و علاج المخدرات بجميع انو
Unipharma Group
Dokki Giza EG
Specialized in marketing industrial chemicals and raw materials for various industries as well as industrial filtration systems of liquid and air.
Cairo EG
Scorpx specializes in scorpion venom extraction. We sell it to research or medical centers and facilities that use venom in drug production.
Our company strives to maintain and improve every phase of our business and satisfy needs of our customers.
Elezaby group for medical equipment
Nasrcity EG
El ezabygroup founded since 1987 , professional in turn key hospitals , medical and dental equipments
Meditech Group
cairo EG
We have a wide selection of products which are used in hospitals and clinics universally. Such as: Meditech ECG, Patient Monitor, Ultrasound scanner
SuLinda Sol Trader Co.
Cairo EG
SuLinda Sol Trader Co. Is a pharmaceutical solutions company provides products registration in SFDA and Distribution services in Gulf Area.
Giza EG
Consultomisr is a Botique Media service for medical and all related fields, we provide wide range of media and marketing service for medical sector.
الفضل ميديكال
الدقى EG
شركة الفضل ميديكال هي احدى الشركات المصرية الرائدة فى مجال صناعة الأطراف الصناعية والأجهزة التعويضية و الأدوات و الاجهزة الطبية و الرياضية ، حيث أن ال
Dental Care Of Woodstock
Woodstock EG
Dental Care of Woodstock is a general and cosmetic dentist located in Woodstock, GA.
Dental Clinic
Cairo EG
Dental clinic, newest sterilization techniques, and materials, 25% off till end of August 13.
Fohoos labs
cairo EG
Fohoos Labs is medical laboratory. It has many branches as in Abbassia, Kerdasa, Khalefa Al ma'moon, Ain Shams, Al Mohndseen