ABX Logistics (Egypt)

Agent of ABX Logistics in the field of freight forwarding. ABX is a freight forwarder of air and sea freight, land transport etc.
| Nasr City Cairo, Egypt
Integrated Solutions For Ports (ISFP) Alexandria EG
National Navigation Cairo EG
Aramex International Egypt Dokki Giza EG
14, Omar Ibn El Khattab, Ramo Bldgs., CIB Bldg., 6th floor
Nasr City Cairo
Telephone: 22914406/8/9
Telefax: 22912523
14, Omar Ibn El Khattab, Ramo Bldgs., CIB Bldg., 6th floor
Nasr City Cairo
Telephone: 22914406/8/9
Telefax: 22912523
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