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Egypt Is Pivotal Country in Data Transfer: IDSC

Egypt is the second largest country in the world, where maritime internet cables go through its coasts.
28.04.23 | Source: See news

The Cabinet's Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) said that Egypt is a pivotal country in the data transfer sector, noting that 90 percent of data movement is passing through the Egyptian soil and waters.

According to the new edition of IDSC's "Policies Compass" magazine, Egypt is the second largest country in the world, where maritime internet cables go through its coasts following the US with 17 percent of internet cables worldwide.

The magazine showed that the revenues from the crossing of the internet cables via the Egyptian territorial waters reached nearly 185 million dollars in 2019.

The Policies Compass magazine is issued by the center and it is a non-periodical publication. It is aiming at following up on the latest developments of different public policies worldwide.