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UAE-Egypt alliance expands to desert wheat venture

Within a couple of years, UAE companies plan to grow and sell several hundred thousand tonnes of wheat to the Cairo government.
08.12.14 | Source: Gulf Business

Egypt and two companies from its strong backer United Arab Emirates have embarked on an ambitious plan to grow wheat in the desert that could boost the Cairo government’s credibility if successful.

Egypt, the world’s biggest wheat importer, has long aspired to become self-sufficient in its staple food through various schemes including reclaiming land in its desert wastelands.

Experts say growing wheat in the desert makes no economic sense given the logistical and environmental challenges.

That has not stopped UAE companies Al Dahra and Jenaan from turning to Egypt’s southern desert, home to Toshka, a failed agriculture megaproject under former President Hosni Mubarak.

As Egypt recovers from turmoil following the 2011 revolt that toppled Mubarak, Gulf allies such as the UAE hope to ensure that Islamists who briefly held power can never do so again.