Marketing-Börse PLUS - Fachbeiträge zu Marketing und Digitalisierung
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Birgit Stodtko
Halle (Saale) DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Horst Schrage
Hannover DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Ulrike Hörnstein
Heilbronn DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Udo Götschel
Karlsruhe DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Norbert Claus
Kassel DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Karina Szwede
Koblenz DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Volker Scherer
Ludwigshafen DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Werner Koopmann
Luebeck DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Bodo Risch
Muenster DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Birgit Tischendorf
Pforzheim DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Armin Siegert
Nürnberg DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Ines Ratajczak
Bielefeld DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Guenther Bauer
Heidenheim DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Alfred Brunnbauer
Regensburg DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Wolfgang Epp
Reutlingen DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Matthias Kruse
Mannheim DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Anis M. Azouz
Lindau-Bodensee DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Tassilo Zywietz
Stuttgart DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Christina Grewe
Trier DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Gustel Bamberger
Wiesbaden DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Hugo Benten Sattler
Wuppertal DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Marion Oker
Würzburg DE
The Chamber of Industry and Commerce Würzburg-Schweinfurt represents the interests of its approximately 60,000 member companies.

Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Werner Koopmann
Kiel DE
Chamber of Industry and Commerce.