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Service Industry in Egypt

A comprehensive overview of the service industry in Egypt - find banks, financial institutions, consultancy firms, as well as the latest industry news.

promot for investment & present all services related with investment also it gives many incentives to encorge investment
We offer Fright forwarding, trucking, clearance, warehousing.
geotechnical consultants
representing Germany in Egypt
International University
Are you looking for project financing or the financial freedom to expand and grow your business and company? Worry no more, we have got you covered.
IT Services Media Engineering
Global Market Monitor is a company that provides comprehensive services and products to global clients.
Global Vision is designing and delivering of the highest standards of professional Training and Consultancy.
G.M Insurance Brokerage is owned by Mr. George Mina, EFSA (Egyptian Financial Supervision Authority) license under no.26757 as insurance broker
A person can call a Gmail customer care and contact a quick assistant technician. If any type of query:
Recruitment and Salary Outsourcing / Call outsourcing